June 19, 2021

Welcome to the 48th Annual Pennsylvania Al-Anon Family Groups Convention, with AA participation! We are happy that you could join us in sharing our Convention theme: Discovering Who I Am.

Below, you will find your links to the meeting, a link to your welcome package, how to donate to our service arms (the Pennsylvania AWSC and the World Service Office), and NOMAAC.

Welcome Package

The Welcome Package includes the Convention Agenda, the Zoom link for the day, where to get Conference Approved Literature, how to donate to our service arms and NOMAAC (the annual Alateen Conference).


Before you leave for the day, please fill out our survey. It will help us in our planning for next year. We hope you enjoyed this year’s convention and that you will join us again next year.

Virtual Literature Table

At every Pennsylvania AFG Convention, there’s always a literature table filled with CAL (Conference Approved Literature) – books and pamphlets and bookmarks and more. Folks usually stock up at the Convention to add to their personal libraries and to restock the supply of books in their group.

Even though we’re meeting virtually this year, we hope you continue the tradition by stocking up – picking up a few new books you don’t yet have in your library, or even purchase a few gifts for sponsees or friends. While you’re at it, grab a stack of bookmarks or pamphlets and take them to your local library.

(Click the image to enter …)

Donations for our service arms and NOMAAC

It is a long-standing tradition to have a voluntary collection for our service arms (Pennsylvania Area Assembly and the World Service Office (WSO)) and support of our Alateen Conference (NOMAAC). All donations received through this link will be divided equally between the three organizations. Thank you!

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Not everything works perfectly the first time. If you have trouble connecting to the Zoom session, please text our support line to get help. Someone will call you to assist. There may be several people waiting for their turn in line, so please be patient. 

Text: 612-990-7815 or 651-592-1484

Please provide your name, device, and issue in the text message. Someone will contact you in the order the texts were received. Please be patient.