60th World Service Conference Continues

by | Apr 23, 2020

This is the second of a multipart series I’m posting on the 60th Annual World Service Conference. Check out the Delegate’s Corner on our website to read the other posts.

Hello, Pennsylvania Area. I find myself struggling to write this post. I actually started writing yesterday morning, but I can’t seem to find the words to describe what I’m feeling. This is truly a difficult time for me. I put a picture of Virginia Beach on the background of my screen that I took at last year’s Conference. I would like to say it makes me feel more connected to Conference.

The 60th Annual World Service Conference (WSC) opened on Tuesday, and it was quite interesting. To start, we reviewed the Virtual Conference Etiquette Procedures as this is the first-ever Virtual World Service Conference (VWSC). The procedures are similar to a physical Conference but had to be adapted due to 100 people being online together. I know many of you have been attending online meetings recently, so I’m sure you understand the importance of procedures.

Tuesday’s agenda was packed, and due to the tremendous work of the Conference Leadership Team and the World Service Office Technical Team, the day went smoothly. I was surprised that we had very few issues, and even the voting proceeded without problems. The information was well presented, but the emotion was missing. I honestly believe there is a benefit to being able to hear something in a live setting. When I am able to look around the room and see the reactions of others, it enhances my thoughts on what is being presented. Seeing facial responses and body language can be a powerful indicator of how the information is perceived.

Yesterday we had to approve several motions that were required as part of Conference. At one point, there were a few glitches due to information presented on the screen and procedures. The Technical Team was on top of it, though, and they were able to get the issues resolved quickly, and voting proceeded normally.

I was able to present my annual report for the Conference Committee on Trustees (CCT) and received some good feedback through the private chat. As part of my report, I announced the new Chairperson and new Chair-Elect of the CCT. I only wish I would have been able to have them stand and be recognized for their willingness to serve in these important positions.

On a positive note, I was unexpectedly asked to present my paper on “Reviewing Trustee Applicant Résumés.” This had been removed from the agenda due to time constraints, so it caught me by surprise. Luckily, I had the file open and was able to retrieve the document quickly. I hope to be able to share this paper with the Area at this year’s Assembly so individuals can have an understanding of the personal aspect of the Trustee review process.

Today we are starting more online discussion of several topics, including the Chosen Agenda Items. I currently have 50 unread emails regarding two topics. There will also be two additional topics posted this afternoon. It is overwhelming at times, as the agenda keeps getting updated. Sometimes it’s difficult to know what is the most current discussion. The good news is that the discussion forum will be open and available through the beginning of May. That will give me additional time to review all the comments without feeling rushed.

Well, that’s all for now. I am getting ready to join an Al-Anon meeting hosted by one of the Delegates on my Panel. The topic is “Share a Spiritual Principle you used during the Virtual World Service Conference, and how it enriched your experience.” I’ll let you know how it goes.

Below is a picture of my desk as I start my day — agenda, presentations, note paper, water … and lots of carbs.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Your friend in service,
Jeffrey F., Delegate
Panel 58, Pennsylvania