PA Area News – Alateen Announcement
Dear PA Al-Anon/Alateen Members,
Effective July 1, 2021, we no longer have permission to hold Alateen meetings in the Pennsylvania Area. I, along with the other officers of the Area World Service Committee (AWSC), the Area Alateen Coordinator, and the Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP) have been working hard to do the necessary work to reestablish Alateen in our Area.
This process will take time, and given the significant impact to our membership, especially our teens, we wanted to give a more detailed explanation to our membership.
Attached is our formal letter to the membership, explaining what the impact is, how we got here, and our hope for moving forward. We will be sending a link to this announcement to all our subscribed Al-A-Gram members, which include all our Groups (via the Current Mailing Addresses (CMAs) and Group Representatives (GRs)) as well as all our District Representatives (DRs).
Thank you for your understanding and patience during this difficult time. We are confident we can move through this in unity and courage together and come out stronger under the care of a loving Higher Power.
In service,
Denise P.
Chair, Panel 61, PA AWSC
(Click on the image below to see the entire letter.)