Reflections of Assembly 2024 and beyond
Reflections of Assembly 2024 and beyond
I remember being in awe of the amount of attendees, all the new group representatives and the fact that everyone seemed well prepared and genuinely interested in what the Assembly is all about. I believe this is all thanks to our District Representatives who encouraged all the Group Representatives and led them in the right direction.
I have so much gratitude and hope for recovery through 12th step work and I like to encourage everyone’s participation. I heard once, Unity, Service, and Recovery, each side of the triangle is like a three legged stool, if you miss out on one, it’s going to fall over. Supporting the third leg is what I can do today, thanks to Al-Anon.
I found in service the things I’ve been looking for my whole life, whether it is in a relationship with a man or in my family. In service I found: unconditional love, the sense of being heard, wanted, needed, and most of all, loved.
Suzanne H.
Alternate Delegate
Panel 64 – 2024 – 2026