Bookmarks – February – Who was Lois W.?
Who was Lois W.?
Her husband, Bill, co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous.
She threw a shoe at Bill and yelled, “Damn your old meetings,” when he asked if she was ready to go to a meeting with him.
Then she realized that her own life had become unmanageable, and that she needed help, according to “Al-Anon History” under the Newcomers section of pa-al-anon.org.
She co-founded Al-Anon with Anne B. in 1951.
But who was Lois?
I got a bit more insight into this woman I am coming more and more to admire during the Feb. 11 Zoom session of our Area World Service Committee (AWSC) meeting. Our Delegate, Lori F., talked about Lois Remembers and asked Maureen M. (DR-10) to read from page 195. The passage was about love being our highest calling. It was beautiful. I was transfixed.
Lois Remembers (B-7) is available for $13. It’s on my order list.
Also on my list is the new Service Manual. A digital version of the new Service Manual has been available for free for a while. But now the print version of the 2022-2025 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27) is hot off the presses. Call me old school, but I like a physical book in my hands. Word is that the new Service Manual has tabs! It costs $11.
This is a book to actively read and use.
When someone at my home group recently asked, “What’s a group conscience?,” I could give the answer directly from my manual. It’s a great and practical resource.
Later this year, a new daily reader will join our foundational trio. It’s called A Little Time for Myself. Lori said that the hardcover book will be available for sale to those attending the 2023 Al-Anon International Convention in Albuquerque, N.M., June 29-July 2. Presumably, it will be released to everyone after that.
Lori’s report, presented at the AWSC Zoom meeting, had lots of information about Conference Approved Literature and where to purchase it. You can download and print order forms through the LDC #6 (Literature Distribution Center) in Shrewsbury, the LDC Erie (D-12) or the A.I.S. (Al-Anon Information Service) of Greater Pittsburgh.
The WSO online store is certainly handy, but when you order through the LDCs or Pittsburgh A.I.S., part of your money benefits the AWSC.
While I prefer a physical book, many pieces of our literature are offered electronically. Electronic literature and audio books can be had through the WSO online store.
Lori’s report was the inspiration I needed to write this month’s overdue column. When I see her in person at the AWSC meeting this May, she’s getting a bear hug!
Thanks for letting me share!
Ellen C.
Literature/Forum Coordinator