Submit an Event Announcement
The PA Event Submission Form allows area Al-Anon members to submit information about events of interest to the fellowship. Submissions should inform members of special events of importance to Al-Anon members across Pennsylvania.
Please note: Posts will be restricted to Al-Anon-sponsored events or AA Events with Al-Anon participation only.
Posting to the calendar will be at the discretion of the Pennsylvania AWSC Website Coordinator.
Each event is allowed (1) one attachment. Ideally, attachments should be supplied as PDF files, in the advent that you have more than one document they may be combined into a single PDF file. There is an online tool here that will allow you to do this.
All fields are required.
PA Al-Anon Events
Have an event coming up? Click on the icon above and let us know, so we can post it on the calendar.