Delegate’s Report to the May 2024 AWSC
Greetings friends!
With immense joy and gratitude, I return from the 2024 World Service Conference, bringing the love and warmth of every Delegate, Volunteer, and staff member who participated in this remarkable gathering. As your Delegate for the Pennsylvania Area and this worldwide fellowship of Al-Anon Family Groups, which includes Alateen, I am truly humbled and honored to have been a part of this ongoing 64-year conversation.
I am deeply grateful for all who sent cards, love gifts, T-shirts, texts, and prayers! Your support and participation are invaluable to me and our fellowship. I was honored to bring the love of Pennsylvania Al-Anon and Alateen to Virginia Beach and the Conference. Everyone appreciated the love gifts. They were all gone by Sunday morning!
In the links that follow, I will take you on a journey through some of the key topics discussed, the motions passed, and my personal experience of participating in this exhilarating and, at times, exhausting event we know as the World Service Conference.
Please join me as we walk this path toward grace, unity, and understanding, supporting one another in this wonderful fellowship.

Delegate, Panel 64
Below are links to a lightly-edited version of the report that was delivered to the AWSC on May 18. Removed are personal details that may not be posted on the web. Please contact your District Representative if you want more information. The download button will take you to a PDF version of the report that can be downloaded or printed. The remaining links will take you directly to various sections of the report.
Table of Contents
- Greetings friends
- Assembly Speaker
- 2024 World Service Conference Motions
- Revitalizing Alateen
- Electronic Alateen Meetings
- Stepping Stones
- Finances
- Next Generation AFG Records
- Sponsorship – Personal and Service Sponsors
- Chosen Agenda Items
- Service Manual Updates
- International Coordination Committee
- Other Topics
- My Experience at Conference
- Thank You!