Delegate’s Report to the November 2023 AWSC
Greetings Friends!! I am glad we are able to get together again for the business of PA Al-Anon at our final November AWSC meeting of Panel 61! Thank you for being here and thank you for the opportunity to serve and grow as your Delegate. For those outcoming members of our Panel my hope is you have found a blessing in service and know that you made a difference. I thank you for your dedication and service and wish you well on what is next for you. If you are new to Area service, welcome, and I am glad you are joining us along this journey as we all in Pennsylvania service are – “Embracing the future in unity and courage”
“Abrazar el futuro en unidad y valor” (PA AWSC Panel 61 Theme).
Hope you enjoy this report and enjoy the AWSC experience! I wish you all well as you return to your districts to share all the happenings around Pennsylvania and all you learned this weekend. Thank you for your service to the worldwide fellowship of Al-Anon/Alateen! Let me know if you need additional information on any of these topics or others. Thanks!
Click on links below to see Delegate’s report and presentation slides from the November 2023 AWSC meeting:
Delegates Report November 2023 AWSC
Your friend in service,
Lori F.
Delegate, Panel 61