Happy 130th Birthday, Lois W. – one of our Founders
With a grateful heart I am thinking of you all this March 4th morning on the 130th anniversary of Lois W.’s birthday! Lois has been quoted as saying “It takes one person to start something, but many others to keep it going.” Thank you all for keeping it going through the 21st century – it may be a new century, but the message is the same!
I love spending some time with our Al-Anon history especially on special days like today. Check out our Al-Anon history webpage on our PA Al-Anon website for a beautiful look.
What an inspiration that we are not alone and will always have each other, our history, and our loving God to guide us. Together we carry on the work of Lois and her friends! Have you ever watched the DVDs available through WSO about Lois W. and the early pioneers? They are true gems. Here is the link to interviews al-anon.org/lois-interview.
There is a nice tribute in the back of the March Forum 2021 highlighting Lois W. on her birthday! I wonder if they will be having cake today at the World Service Office to honor Lois’s memory? I asked our own Anne P., Group Services Specialist at WSO, to keep us posted 🙂
Thank you all for keeping Al-Anon alive as you serve our newcomers, your groups, our Districts, the Pennsylvania Area, and the worldwide fellowship of Al-Anon Family Groups. Let us celebrate today with gratitude for all we have been given. Happy Birthday Lois and thank you for following your heart!
Keeping you all close as we move forward with unity, courage, and perseverance!
Your friend in service,
Lori F.
Delegate, Panel 61