My New Journey Begins
Hi Friends, I’m Lori F. For the past three years I served as Alt. Delegate for PA Al-Anon, standing ready to assist the Delegate when needed. My most treasured part of the position was the special friendships formed. Planning our PA Area Assemblies with the other Panel members was a fun and beautiful experience!
I am excited and grateful to serve.
With the turn of the new year, I am beginning my new position as PA Delegate on Panel 61. Emails are coming in to help me start off on the right foot. I am excited and grateful to serve and am looking forward to all I will learn, who I will meet, and how I will grow! I will do my best to be the link between PA Al-Anon and World Service. I have found I am connecting more with my God asking for his help.
It means tons to me to be part of assuring Al-Anon will be there.
Thinking back to how bad I felt before Al-Anon and the peace and joy I found here, it means tons to me to be part of assuring Al-Anon will be there when people impacted by a loved one’s drinking reach out for help and hope.
As preparations for the April World Service Conference are underway, my new journey begins! I look forward to telling you all about it!
Your friend in service,
Lori F.
Delegate, Panel 61