The Art of Welcoming Today
My heart often thinks of the many families and friends of alcoholics who have been unable to attend meetings or have not found Al-Anon yet due to various reasons over the past several months. Across the state, some groups are able to start resuming face-to-face meetings, some are transitioning with a virtual component, and some remain temporarily virtual. The virtual world has ushered in new opportunities for people to find help and hope in Al-Anon while at the same time has added some challenges and obstacles.
The attached memo shares some of my thoughts on welcoming in today’s new world. I hope you find it helpful as you carry the message of help and hope to family and friends of alcoholics. Keep the Traditions, Slogans, Service Manual, and the God of your understanding close! As you extend the hand of Al-Anon/Alateen, thank you for your service to our worldwide fellowship and its members. All my best to you and your group.
Your friend in service,
Lori F.
Delegate, Panel 61
(Click on the image below to open and download the memo)