WSC 2021: Gratitude
Hi Friends,
I write this message with much gratitude in my heart. Thank you for all the prayers and support I received preparing for and during the 2021 World Service Conference (April 12-16) – Moving Forward with Unity, Courage, and Perseverance! I was carried by it all and by the well-wishes of the many groups and members. I very much enjoyed receiving the cards, emails, texts, flowers, treats, and gifts.
WSC was quite something, and I look forward to sharing about it at our upcoming May AWSC meeting and our Assembly in August. It was a lot of virtual, I must say, but by the grace of God, we did it! (our kitties were a big help too, even though by Day 3, they were pretty tuckered out) The passion that the WSC staff, Board of Trustees, and fellow Delegates expressed during the week really helped carry me as well. I have an even greater admiration and appreciation for all who serve Al-Anon, from the group to the World Service Office and around the globe.
One outstanding part for me was being with all the other WSC Members, especially the 13 International guests from Al-Anon General Service Officers from Peru, France, Spain, Germany, Australia, and more! That sure drove home the idea that Al-Anon is a worldwide fellowship!! They were so thrilled to be part and didn’t want to miss even a minute of the action. Due to the time difference, many of them attended during the wee hours of the night to be part.
Being a full virtual World Service Conference allowed us to have a complete agenda. Each day there were reports, speakers, presentations, discussions, and motions. We also used AFGConnects for further discussions, comments, and question threads. I will highlight many of the agenda items in my Delegate’s report. I hope to share the work of multiple thought and task forces (Conflict Resolution, Dreaming Big, Using Concepts in your Personal life), and discussions throughout 2021.
There were many opportunities to talk about electronic meetings, returning to face to face, hybrid meetings, welcoming newcomers, and links of service in the virtual world. Our Area’s specific Chosen Agenda Item was not chosen for discussion, but the idea of our item was expressed multiple times throughout the conference. As a result, I have much to tell you regarding our virtual world. In addition, it was neat to hear about Al-Anon’s 70th Anniversary plans and all that is being done at the WSO for our fellowship from public outreach, literature, new online store, welcome newcomer kit, and more!
Our spiritual principles of honesty, trust, respect, courtesy, responsibility, accountability, abundant thinking, unity, and love were all present at the conference and displayed. That felt great to be part of for sure. Concept One (The ultimate responsibility and authority for Al-Anon world services belongs to the Al-Anon groups) was brought up often through the week. Being part of the WSC allowed me to truly experience all our Concepts in a new way. I have lots to learn, I know, but I feel I learned tons last week. My intention and hope was to do my best as I entrusted the week to the God of my understanding.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as Pennsylvania Delegate. I am blessed to be part of carrying out the work of the worldwide fellowship of Al-Anon by taking part in the 61st World Service Conference.
I look forward to seeing you soon! All my best to you and blessing as you continue your work for our fellowship as well. Please let me know how I can be of service in the days ahead. Above are a few snippets of pictures from the week of the Conference to share with you a little of the experience. Hope you enjoy!
Your friend in service,
Lori F.
Delegate, Panel 61