Helping hands in service

Delegate’s Report to the May 2022 AWSC

Jun 1, 2022

Greetings!! I am glad we able to get together again for the business of PA Al-Anon as we dive deeper into our second year of our term and Panel. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and grow as your Delegate. My hope is that your enthusiasm is growing on your service journey and that you are finding that service can be fun and you are reaping the rewards of giving back! If you are new to PA AWSC, welcome and I am glad you are joining us along this journey as we all are.

    “Embracing the future in unity and courage”
    “Abrazar el futuro en unidad y valor”
    PA AWSC Panel 61 Theme

    Please find included in this report the following:

    1. 2022 World Service Conference – quite something!
    2. We Made History! – Admitting the Global Electronic Area
    3. Electronic Meetings Becoming Al-Anon Family Groups
    4. Other Motions – Service Manual
    5. Stepping Stones Visit
    6. Happenings at the World Service Office
    7. AFG Inc. Audit & 2023 Budget
    8. Chosen Agenda Items
    9. Road Trip! You and Your Board Connect
    10. 2023 Al-Anon International Conventions
    11. Timely Topics
    12. Delegate’s Corner & other Area News

    Thanks – Together we can make it!

    Hope you enjoy this report and enjoy your Al-Anon service journey! Let me know if you need additional information on any of these topics or others. Thanks!

    Your friend in service,

    Lori F.

    Delegate, Panel 61

    Click on links below to see Delegate’s report and presentation slides from the May 2022 AWSC meeting:

    Delegates Report May 2022 AWSC

    Delegates Presentation May 2022 AWSC

    Click on links below for additional supporting documents for the Delegate’s report:

    Who Attends the World Service Conference and Why

    Recurring Question – Changing Wording in our Program

    Maintaining a Sustainable Future

    2022 WSC Motions

    2022 WSC Motion 5 Conference Charter

    2022 WSC Motion 7 Social Media Policy