Public Outreach
It has always been Al-Anon’s approach to carry a clear and simple message about our program of recovery — that is: to let people know what we are, what we do, and how they can come into contact with us. Our public outreach is based on the following that promotes unity and clarity within the fellowship as well as awareness and hope outside the fellowship.
Al-Anon Information For The Media
Al-Anon/Alateen press releases, public service announcements and Media Kit are available to provide the media with background information on our fellowship. If you would like to interview Al-Anon/Alateen members in your community, please contact our Public Outreach Coordinator. Thank you for helping us carry the Al-Anon message to families and friends of alcoholics.
Media Kit
This PDF file contains sample questions that could be asked in an interview or used in a publication without reprint permission:
Statement on Anonymity There may be some who are not familiar with our traditions of personal anonymity at the public level. We respectfully ask that no Al-Anon, Alateen, or AA member be identified by full name or picture in published or broadcast reports, including those on the Internet. The assurance of anonymity is essential to our efforts to help families and friends of alcoholics so that they know Al-Anon and Alateen meetings are safe, confidential places to get help. We gratefully appreciate the cooperation of the media in this matter.
Al-Anon Rail Poster
Al-Anon Member donations from District 7’s Annual Fall Workshop, along with support from AISDV, combined to make this WSO approved public outreach rail poster possible. AFGs are welcome to use this WSO approved poster for an outreach project that requires a large graphic design.
Al-Anon Rail poster (dimensions: 60” wide x 46” tall with a resolution of 150 dpi)