Bookmarks – August – Oh Them Changes

Bookmarks – August – Oh Them Changes Oh Them Changes… Can you feel it? The calendar page flips to August and a change takes place.  The days can still be sticky and hot, but gradually, or sometimes all at once, the evenings shift cooler. Parents, usually...

Delegate’s Letter – July 2022

Delegate’s Letter – July 2022 When I Love Somebody…this happens My love of Service led me to a deeper relationship with Al-Anon!   I find I give my time, thoughts, and prayers to the people and the things I love.  I also find that when I am doing things I...

Bookmarks – June – It’s the Best of Times

Bookmarks – June – It’s the Best of Times It’s the Best of Times… It’s the worst of times. It’s June. It’s time for graduations, baby showers, weddings, vacations, kids’ and grandkids’ ball games, gardening, Al-Anon conventions, you name it. While...

Delegate’s Report to the May 2022 AWSC

Delegate’s Report to the May 2022 AWSC Greetings!! I am glad we able to get together again for the business of PA Al-Anon as we dive deeper into our second year of our term and Panel. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and grow as your Delegate. My hope is...