Pennsylvania’s source for news and stories for Al-Anon and Alateen members. News and stories are pushed out regularly to subscribers, or you can view the latest posts here. To subscribe, fill in the form on our home page.
Carrying the Message Statewide
A groundbreaking Public Outreach project, funded by a generous bequest of almost $20,000, kicked off right after the Pensylvania Area Assembly in August.
Looking back — Public Outreach 31 Years Ago
In 1988 — 31 years ago — Districts across the area were very active and working hard to carry the message of hope that is at the heart of Al-Anon. Here we read Jan K’s report which was published in the Fall 1988 issue of Al-A-Gram. Many of the methods of Public Outreach that are mentioned in the report are still applicable today.
Looking back — the 1988 Convention
31 years ago, Evelyn N, in her annual report to the Fall 1988 issue of Al-A-Gram, reported that 1,028 people attended the Convention, the largest attendance to date. It’s an interesting “Look back” at our past. The following is her full report.
Interview: Recovery Begins with One Step
We talked to Sandra R., this year’s Convention Chairperson, about the Convention and some of her personal perspectives on the theme and the workshops. We found her stories interesting and we wanted to share a few of them with you.
My First Convention Surprised Me
Sandra R. shares her first Convention experience. She had recently moved to Philadelphia and though she had been in Al-Anon over two years, recovery was still elusive for her. She went to the Convention simply expecting to reconnect with old friends from Harrisburg but found so much more. The experience invigorated her recovery and led her to service, ultimately leading her to be this year’s Convention Chairperson.
Looking back — Deb R, Delegate, Panel 37, 1997-9
Deb R., a past Delegate, Panel 37, died this week following a brief illness. 20 years ago at the 1999 World Service Conference (Theme: Carrying the Message — Our Primary Purpose), Deb shared the following story with the World Service Conference.
The Gift of Newcomers
Beth was talking to her sponsor about how much she’s been benefiting from service work in general, but particularly out of welcoming newcomers. In this sharing, Beth describes the gift that newcomers bring to her own growth and recovery.
Al-A-Gram? What’s That?
Welcome to the new Al-A-Gram! For those of you familiar with the World Service Office’s “In the Loop,” Al-A-Gram has become Pennsylvania’s version of that. A subscription to “In the Loop” provides you with regular news updates from the WSO regarding items of national and global interest, while an Al-A-Gram subscription will provide you news and stories from around Pennsylvania and of more local interest.
Getting Ready for the 59th World Service Conference
In a few days, I’ll be leaving for Virginia Beach, where I’m honored to represent our Area at the 59th World Service Conference, serving as Pennsylvania’s Delegate. I’ve been a bit overwhelmed these past few weeks as I prepared my inch-thick binder with all the materials I’ll need, but I am excited, too — anxious to meet the friends I made last year and inspired to be serving the fellowship of Al-Anon.
Our Road Trip to the WSO Changed Me
After the Al-Anon International Convention last July, I didn’t want the road trips to end. So next on our list was a visit to WSO in Virginia Beach with a couple of good friends!