Filled with Hope for Panel 61

Filled with Hope for Panel 61 As I write this, we’re in the “between holidays” period, that last week of the year. It’s always an unsettled time for me, balancing between the year that was and the year ahead. Al-Anon helps me stay centered, though – by studying the...

Last Day of the 60th World Service Conference

Last Day of the 60th World Service Conference This is the third of a multipart series I’m posting on the 60th Annual World Service Conference. Check out the Delegate’s Corner on our website to read the other posts. The sunset picture above signifies an ending —...

60th World Service Conference Continues

60th World Service Conference Continues This is the second of a multipart series I’m posting on the 60th Annual World Service Conference. Check out the Delegate’s Corner on our website to read the other posts. Hello, Pennsylvania Area. I find myself struggling...