by Ellen C. | Apr 22, 2021 | Literature Corner
Bookmarks – April – Reflecting on Group Conscience Using CAL My home group is talking about meeting in person again. Since the weather got cold last fall, we’ve met virtually. Now spring is here and we want to see each other without looking through a screen. But we...
by Lori F. | Mar 12, 2021 | Delegate's Corner
AFG, Inc. Board of Trustee Service Opportunities Resumes are being accepted for our Northeast Regional Trustee (3-year term), Trustee at Large, and Member of Executive Committee for Real Property Management (ECRPM). Eligible members who wish to volunteer to serve at...
by Lori F. | Mar 4, 2021 | Delegate's Corner
Happy 130th Birthday, Lois W. – one of our Founders With a grateful heart I am thinking of you all this March 4th morning on the 130th anniversary of Lois W.’s birthday! Lois has been quoted as saying “It takes one person to start something, but many...
by Lori F. | Feb 12, 2021 | Delegate's Corner
My New Journey Begins Hi Friends, I’m Lori F. For the past three years I served as Alt. Delegate for PA Al-Anon, standing ready to assist the Delegate when needed. My most treasured part of the position was the special friendships formed. Planning our PA Area...
by Ralph H. | Feb 12, 2021 | Alt Delegate's Corner
Filled with Hope for Panel 61 As I write this, we’re in the “between holidays” period, that last week of the year. It’s always an unsettled time for me, balancing between the year that was and the year ahead. Al-Anon helps me stay centered, though – by studying the...