by Denise P. | Feb 12, 2021 | Chairperson's Corner
How Higher Power Guided my Decision to Serve as Chair I have been in Al-Anon for 14 years. I have served as Secretary, Program Chair, Group Representative (GR), Alternate District Representative (ADR), and for the past 3 years, District Representative (DR) for...
by Ellen C. | Feb 11, 2021 | Literature Corner
Bookmarks – Introducing our New Literature/Forum Coordinator Hi! I’m Ellen C., your new coordinator for Literature and The Forum magazine. Let me give you a bit of my background: My homegroup is Ebensburg AFG, in District 15, which is part of the Central Sector. We...
by Lori F. | Sep 26, 2020 | PA Assembly News
“Rotation of Service” – I see its beauty today! Why Rotation of Service? Early in my service journey, a friend shared with me the wisdom of her ‘4Cs of service,’ and for that, I am very grateful – 1st year in a service position, I am confused; 2nd...
by Jeffrey F | Apr 24, 2020 | PA Assembly News
Last Day of the 60th World Service Conference This is the third of a multipart series I’m posting on the 60th Annual World Service Conference. Check out the Delegate’s Corner on our website to read the other posts. The sunset picture above signifies an ending —...
by Jeffrey F | Apr 23, 2020 | PA Assembly News
60th World Service Conference Continues This is the second of a multipart series I’m posting on the 60th Annual World Service Conference. Check out the Delegate’s Corner on our website to read the other posts. Hello, Pennsylvania Area. I find myself struggling...
by Jeffrey F | Apr 21, 2020 | PA Assembly News
60th World Service Conference Opens This is the beginning of a multipart series I’m posting on the 60th Annual World Service Conference. The picture above is my assigned seat at the virtual conference — my home office, almost 300 miles from Virginia Beach. Good...