by Jeffrey F | Aug 23, 2018 | PA Assembly News
In January, I and the rest of the incoming Delegates were invited to submit topics of discussion for the Conference, which are called Chosen Agenda Items (CAIs). 36 CAIs were submitted, and after combining like items, a condensed list of 16 CAIs was submitted to the...
by Jeffrey F | Aug 23, 2018 | PA Assembly News
Prior to Conference, members were given the opportunity to review a proposal from the Literature Committee regarding the development of a new bookmark titled, “Just for Tonight,” which would be based on an August 2016 article in The Forum. Following floor discussion,...
by Jeffrey F | Aug 22, 2018 | PA Assembly News
The 2018 Budget shows expenses are expected to be $2,772 less than revenue for the year: Expenses are estimated to be $5,501,028 and revenues to be $5,503,800. Projected Expenses The overall expense is budgeted to increase by $222,499 from last year’s actual expenses....
by Jeffrey F | Aug 22, 2018 | PA Assembly News
This year the Board of Trustees, in its efforts to address the Strategic Plan Priorities of the organization (empowering the Al‑Anon fellowship and achieving a viable future for Al‑Anon Family Groups), invited Conference members into the early phases of conversation...
by Jeffrey F | Aug 22, 2018 | PA Assembly News
After the official opening of the Conference, the first order of business was approval of a motion brought forth by the Conference Leadership Team. It dealt with seating certain people who could provide critical information to the Conference, Representatives from...
by scott | May 19, 2018 | Al-A-Gram, Member News
This year’s Pennsylvania AFG Convention offers what Rich M. calls “a great opportunity.” For newcomers, the weekend Convention is “a great opportunity to get a real good understanding of what Al-Anon really is,” the Convention chair said. For those making a repeat...