Bookmarks – August – You Could Win!

Bookmarks – August – You Could Win! You Could Win! Calling all GRs going to Assembly! Please consider attending one of two workshops on The Power of Service. Why come? Well, it will be interactive, which we know folks like. You’ll have an opportunity to do...

Bookmarks – July – Freedom from Fear

Bookmarks – July – Freedom from Fear Freedom from Fear Who am I? Who do I want to be? Those questions popped into my head as I was preparing to chair my home group’s meeting on Step Seven: “Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.” We use the Reaching for...

Bookmarks – June – Saved by the Slogans

Bookmarks – June – Saved by the Slogans Saved by the Slogans It seems like life went into hyper-drive after Memorial Day. Suddenly there were parties to attend, flowers to plant, windows to clean, and a $1,100 car air-conditioning bill to pay. Yikes. Oh, I got...

Delegate’s Report to the May 2023 AWSC

Delegate’s Report to the May 2023 AWSC Greetings Friends!! I am glad we able to get together again for the business of PA Al-Anon at our May AWSC meeting! Thank you for being here and thank you for the opportunity to serve and grow as your Delegate. My hope is...