What Day Is It Again?
Good morning, Pennsylvania. It’s
Yesterday was a busy start to the General Session. We discussed some text changes to the World Service Handbook. There were a lot of questions and discussion ensued to allow everyone to make an informed decision when we vote on the changes.
A thought force, created last year, reported their findings. Their charge was on “Welcoming New Members,” specifically families and friends of drug addicts attending Al-Anon meetings while maintaining our primary purpose. I will be bringing information back to the Area and I hope it promotes further discussions in our own meetings.
The 2018 Annual Report of the World Service Office (WSO) was presented yesterday afternoon. The WSO staff and Executive Director work hard performing the day to day operations for our fellowship, keeping our groups’ information up to date, and having the resources available for members and other individuals seeking information about the Al-Anon Family Groups.
As a special treat during the afternoon break, the Conference Leadership Team decided to have an ice cream social. For 30 minutes, we had the opportunity to enjoy a bowl of ice cream and some good conversation. I had vanilla ice cream with strawberries, blueberries, fudge topping, and whipped cream. As the saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jeff a dull boy.”

2019 World Service Conference Theme — always presented in three languages.
Well, that’s all for now. I hope you’re enjoying these posts and are able to get of glimpse of the World Service Conference happenings. Today is going to be another busy day and I’m ready to get started.
This is part 4 of a series I’m posting on the World Service Conference. Check out my next post in the series.
Your friend in service,
Jeffrey F., Delegate
Panel 58, Pennsylvania

The Conference awaits.