Literature/Forum Corner
The latest news from our Literature/Forum Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Area Assembly. Ellen C. is serving a three-year term on Panel 61. Ellen interfaces with the World Service Office’s Literature and Forum teams and shares that information with the Area’s Districts and Groups. She also encourages the display and distribution of CAL at meetings, the Assembly, and Conventions; provides information on new pieces of literature; encourages members to submit personal sharings to the WSO for use in publication of new pieces of CAL and issues of The Forum.
Bookmarks – January – Going Beyond the Three Readers
Our three daily readers offer a treasury of Al-Anon wisdom. But it wasn’t until my sponsor started going beyond the readers while chairing our home group meetings that I really came to see the depth and variety of our Conference Approved Literature (CAL).
Bookmarks – December – The Worst of Times, The Best of Times
If you feel like you’re in an Instant Pot pressure cooker during the holidays, you are not alone!
Bookmarks – November – The Jokester and the Wisdom in Our Literature
More than a few years ago, I bought Courage to Change (B-16) after a meeting. My husband picked up my book, opened it, looked down at a page and intoned like a preacher, “Your alcoholic is a gift from God.”
Bookmarks – May – Moving Forward While Honoring Our Past
Did you know that one person wrote One Day at a Time in Al-Anon (B-6)? Our first daily reader was published in 1968, and it’s about to be given a new introduction.
Bookmarks – April – Reflecting on Group Conscience Using CAL
Considering going back to face-to-face meetings, Ellen describes her group conscience experience and highlights several important pieces of CAL.
Bookmarks – We are all experts … and we are all beginners
Ellen reflects on using Knowledge-Based Decision Making (KBDM) and the group conscience process using our literature.
Bookmarks – Introducing our New Literature/Forum Coordinator
Ellen C., our new Literature/Forum Coordinator for Panel 61, shares a little about herself and her hopes for the coming three years.