Delegate's Corner
Here you will find the latest news from our Delegate to the World Service Conference (WSC). Ralph H. is serving a three-year term on Panel 64 (2024-2026). As one of 68 Delegates in the WSC Structure, he represents the Pennsylvania Area at the Conference. He is our focal point for information to and from the World Service Office, the Board, and the Trustees of Al-Anon Family Groups. Here, he will be sharing various reports, news stories, and articles of interest to the members of the Pennsylvania Area.
Delegate’s Letter – October 2022
“Passing it On” – through the Links of Service! In this article I am sharing information with the hope to provide our membership with a deeper understanding of the importance of our Al-Anon Links of Service and the spiritual principles that guide us along the way.
Delegate’s Letter – July 2022
When I Love Somebody…this happens
My love of Service led me to a deeper relationship with Al-Anon!
Delegate’s Report to the May 2022 AWSC
Greetings!! I am glad we able to get together again for the business of PA Al-Anon as we dive deeper into our second year of our term and Panel. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and grow as your Delegate. My hope is that your enthusiasm is growing on your service journey and that you are finding that service can be fun and you are reaping the rewards of giving back! If you are new to PA AWSC, welcome and I am glad you are joining us along this journey as we all are –
Delegate’s Letter – April 2022
Hi Friends,
I hope this message finds you all doing well as we continue our work in our second year of our service term. Maybe some of you are starting to feel alittle more comfortable with what goes into serving the Area and this fellowship. I do hope that is the case and if not, no worries you are right where you are supposed to be and keep taking it one day at a time. You are not alone! I am writing to keep in touch and share with you as the 2022 World Service Conference is on the horizon.
As I prepare for the Conference, it is easy to think about the journey that I can look back on and the journey that lies ahead while all the while focusing with gratitude on the day and my experiences. A recent reading in our daily reader sparked me to reflect further.
I love page 107 in our One Day at a Time in Al-Anon (B-6). It has me thinking of what I call the 4D’s of our program: “First I Dream, then I Do, then I Detach and then I let God Determine the outcome”. Helpful concept indeed for me!
Delegate’s Report to the February 2022 AWSC
Greetings!! I am glad we able to get together again for the business of PA Al-Anon as we enter the second year of our term and Panel. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and grow as Pennsylvania’s Delegate. My hope is that, like me. you are finding balance in serving Al-Anon. If you are new to PA AWSC, welcome and I am glad you are joining us along this journey as we all are.
January Delegate’s Letter – Checking In and Remaining Close
Greetings from Erie, PA! I am writing to check in with you as we open a new year.
Delegate’s Report to November AWSC
Greetings!! I am glad we are able to try our first in person AWSC of this Panel 61 term! Thank you for the opportunity to serve and grow as Pennsylvania’s Delegate. I have much to learn and much to share!
AFG, Inc. Board of Trustee Service Opportunity
US NE Regional Trustee 1 yr Spec. Appt Solication Letter Nov 2021 (for web)
The Art of Welcoming Today
Lori’s heart often thinks of the many families and friends of alcoholics who have been unable to attend meetings or have not found Al-Anon yet due to various reasons over the past several months. Across the state, some groups are able to start resuming face-to-face meetings, some are transitioning with a virtual component, and some remain temporarily virtual. The virtual world has ushered in new opportunities for people to find help and hope in Al-Anon, while at the same time has added some challenges and obstacles. In this document, she shares some thoughts on welcoming in today’s new world.
Delegate’s Report to the 2021 Assembly and Presentation
At Pennsylvania’s 2021 Assembly in August, Lori presented her update on what happened at the 2021 World Service Conference (WSC) in April. Read her report and see her presentation.